Thursday, July 5, 2012

The year of the trades

The first thing that came to my mind when I heard Nash was going to the Lakers was "Thank God it's not Howard!" I will not wear a purple and gold jersey, not even for Lebron but especially not for Howard. Moving on, Did you guys see what the Lakers gave the Suns for Nash? A bit extensive I think for a PG nearing his 40's, 2 first round-draft picks for 2013 and 2015, two second-round draft picks in 2013-2015, AND a trade exception from when the Lakers traded Odom. Talk about overkill, I am sorry but I can not be the only one who thinks that this was like paying for a steak dinner and receiving a Big Mac right? Well I know I am not the only one as the only reaction Shay had was an exasperated laugh, and now there are talks about this making the Lakers title worthy for next year? Please. Nash was considering the Knicks for a while but ended up with the Lakers, the Knicks were disappointed as they were wanting a good mentor for their "up and coming star" Jeremy Lin, don't even get me started on that stupid statement. The Rockets think they can turn him into a Yao Ming, good luck guys let the world know how that works out if he goes.

Moving on, today is the day Ray Allen meets with the Heat...great. I know a lot of you are excited about this and strictly from a basketball point of view, yes this would be a great addition but I can't seem to get passed my personal bias. Especially since I think that some of our actual up and coming stars are gonna lose some good game time. There is also the chance he is going to go to the Clippers as he also has a meeting set-up with them. Here is the thing, Boston is offering him the most money and he would have a bigger part if he stayed, if you were Allen would go to Miami for less money and a less active role? Maybe if he wants another ring and is willing to rotate out as a 6th man and let the Big 3 run the show. With the Celtics now making deals with Avery Bradley and Jason Terry this could drive Allen out of Boston even with their 12 Million Dollar offer. A decision from Allen is anticipated by then end of the weekend.

Now, there is no surprise that there is drama with the Dwight Howard free agency, so much in fact that the poor old Nets have given up on hopes of bringing him in. Trading for Howard would mean losing 4 decent players for not a lot of depth to make up for what they would lose. The poor Nets are also trying to find someone who will take on poor old Kris Humphries, the plot thickens. Honestly I love Howard but the price is too high for the Nets to take him and let's be honest, Dwight is just fishing around right now and playing with some emotions, he knows his worth and he will make sure he gets it. He won't play second-fiddle to anyone and he wants to be the hottest commodity in the city, I mean after having a hand in getting Van Gundy fired, he loves having that kind of power.

Anyways, this is all the time I wanna take on this issue right now. Maybe by the end of the day we will have more to say, depends on what outrageous thing ESPN will have to say today.

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