Saturday, August 4, 2012

My goal to obtain my Lebron tickets

Ever since the schedule has been released I have been hunting on StubHub for my perfect seats to the basketball game of my life! They aren't court-side but they get me close to Lebron, my overall goal is to scream loud enough to get his attention while he is on the bench, and after the game I hope I can get his autograph down in the loading docks. Anyways, I have been collecting change, cans, etc to save up money. Shay and I are saving up to go to 3 games, we want to see Lebron, John Wall, and Kyrie. I came up with the idea of adding a paypal button to our blog as I have donated to other bloggers in the past when they were obtaining similar goals so I thought this was worth a shot. From basketball fan to basketball fan, we all know how amazing the NBA live experience is, and seeing your favorite players from the nosebleeds just doesn't cut it. So with that anyone who would like to donate please feel free and I thank any one in advance helping make our dream come true!